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Past, Present, and Future Goals for Meredith and Hello, Friday!


Present Tense


          Meredith O’Neill has inspired her English students with  creative projects and products since she started her teaching career in 1992. She’s an English teacher who stands out as a visionary, motivator, and all-around #girlboss. She launched Hello, Friday! , her brand for middle and high school classroom products, in 2023 with a F. Scott Fitzgerald Collaborative Poster. Hello, Friday's mission is to capture and inspire #fridayvibes every day of the week.


         Past Tense


     Meredith has a long history with blazing trails teaching both middle school and high school English / ELA.  She is a proud collaborator, thought leader, and inspirational mentor who has won several awards including Renaissance Teacher of the Year, Most Inspirational Teacher, and student "Personal Choice" awards as well.

     Aside from her work as an educator, you may recognize Meredith from her Coco & Colette blog, her e-book for student teachers, her indie-art collaboration with West Elm Saint Louis in the mid-2000s, and from her Fiona Heavensbee Etsy store in the early 2000s. Prior to Y2K and early in her teaching career, she studied at the Washington University writer’s workshop under Glen Savan, waitressed at King Louie’s restaurant, attended SIU-Carbondale, and drank lattes at The Grind with a menagerie of lovable misfits.


Future Tense


          When she dreams of her future, she pictures herself in Hello, Friday!'s buzzing office.  (It's an environment where fun inspires productivity. Want to work for us?) Her day consists of meetings to discuss the newest projects with her team of artists and collaborators.  Future Tense Hello, Friday! has grown to proportions Meredith dreamed about.  All the creative ideas that exist as seeds in her head in Present Tense are fully realized products making teachers and students happy all over the globe. 

     Future Tense Meredith also spends time hosting friends for dinner, playing tennis, bike riding, and wildlife spotting with her husband, Dave.  She is a fully certified  pilates instructor and partner in her health-food restaurant called Miss Figgy's. Meredith is an idealist and dreamer.  If you are, too, welcome.  Let's be friends.


Press (A Random Collection of Past Tense Merediths)



Present Tense Meredith cordially invites you to subscribe to this website for occasional communications.  

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