I love teaching William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies! The novel is full of nail-biting suspense, compelling characters, and harrowing drama. My students enjoy completing this collaborative poster at the end of our unit.
The poster includes significant images from the novel including the conch, the signal fire, Piggy's glasses, the Lord of the Flies, and the parachutist. The poster showcases significant characters from the novel including Ralph, Jack, Piggy, and Simon. They are posed in key scenes including Ralph's discovering the island, Piggy cradling the conch, Jack hunting, and Simon seeing the Lord of the Flies.
There are several ways to assign this poster. You can assign it to single students or to groups. (Since there are three pages in the poster, I recommend a maximum of three group members.) Students can color the images and the title and record significant passages / quotations in the boxes.
You can take the poster further by having students present them to their classmates.
You can make the poster an assessment tool by asking students to explain the significance of the images and characters. They can do this orally or in writing.
I display the best posters, and students love to see their work!
Students enjoy these posters for the opportunity to work with their peers, express their creativity, and show-what-they-know in a format more fun than tests, quizzes, or research papers.
The process is simple:
print the three pages of the poster on a standard printer for 8.5 x 11" paper
students color the images and fill in the supplemental graphics
tape the three sheets together in order
Now, your poster is ready for display!
You will receive a 3-page .pdf file.
The poster contains fine-line images to color. (I recommend using colored pencils for best results.)
You can take the poster further by having students present them to their classmates, or make the poster an assessment tool by asking students to explain the significance of the images and characters.
Students enjoy these posters for the opportunity to work with their peers, express their creativity, and show-what-they-know in a format more fun than tests, quizzes, or research papers.
The process is simple:
Print the three pages of the poster on a standard printer for 8.5 x 11" paper.
Students color the images and fill in the supplemental graphics.
Tape the three sheets together in order.
Now, your poster is ready for display!
You will receive a .pdf file which contains all three pages.
The poster contains fine-line images to color. (I recommend using colored pencils for best results.)
Once your students finish their posters, I'd love to see their work! Please tag your photos #moncreativeclassrooms. (I'm on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook!) I'd love to feature your students' work in my feed, and you'll be entered for freebies and giveaways!
This poster is a freebie in my Lord of the Flies Unit Bundle. Check it out here!
If you have any questions about this product, or if you need help using this product, please email hihellofriday@icloud.com, and I'll be happy to help you.
Thanks for trusting Hello, Friday! by Meredith O'Neill to enhance your English curriculum with creative projects and fun activities!
*Note that this collaborative poster is for single classroom use only. Use is for the purchaser of the product, and files are for private use only; no commercial use is allowed. ©Meredith O'Neill 2023 All Rights Reserved